



联 系 人 :魏蓉


佛山市兵戈运动用品有限公司是一家专业生产户外运动迷彩服装、鞋帽、包袋、护具、等户外装备的专业厂家。我们现有新式的欧美迷彩花型:蟒纹系列、废墟系列、CP系列、等等。而且我们每年都会推出世界新式的迷彩花型共国内外客户选择。我们拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系,并积累了大量国内外市场新资讯,开发了很多畅销款式,至今畅销不衰…… 佛山市兵戈运动用品有限公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。

Binggear Sporting Goods CO., LTD. is the manufacturing Paintball/Airsoft/Tournaments/Military of the tactical gear design company.Our gear is being tested by many players and modified to meet the needs of those who know the differences. Some of the items are only made available to agencies but most are available to the general community. We export our products to whole Europe, America, Africa and Middle East. Very aware of needs of our customers, we bring out new moden design together with a high quality production, adapting the best materials to meeting with different market standards and offering a competitive price, in our delivery and an efficient after sales service. We also try our best to offer all our products in a quick and personalised way, being this one of the keys that has brought our company to increase its turnover year after year. And any your inquiries are welcome!

佛山市兵戈运动用品有限公司 所提供的公司介绍、产品信息等相关信息均有佛山市兵戈运动用品有限公司自行负责,商品内容真实性、准确性、合法性由佛山市兵戈运动用品有限公司完全承担,全天候商务网对此不承担任何保证责任。